Tiered Casualty Management

Tiered Casualty Management is one of the themes in the themes & enablers framework. The themes represent goals that, when realized, create a robust regional system capable of managing large-scale and dynamic disasters and public health emergencies. Enablers are functional areas in which meaningful progress will increase the ability of communities and regions to actualize the identified themes. Tiered Casualty Management is an adaptable system designed to expand and contract depending on the scope and nature of an incident.
Judy Placek, MSN, APRN
Katie Willet, MD, FACEP
Tiered Casualty Management provides escalating levels of care while conserving resources as response dictates.
A novel aspect of this response system structure includes not only our first responders and healthcare workers but includes trained community members as part of the response.
A Crisis Standards of Care guidance document has been created to assist with managing a surge of patients across the care continuum. In addition, development of novel financial tools will provide a significant, additional layer of support to community planning efforts as well as address reimbursement gaps that exist during and after a response.
Further define this adaptable system that is designed to expand and contract depending on the scope and nature of an incident. Using a pyramid model, as an example, determine how to incorporate and train the entities that support the goals of this theme which would provide escalating levels of care while conserving resources as response dictates.
Various courses provided through RDHRE to support this strategy (ex: Tier 1- Community focused Stop The Bleed, FAST Course; Tier 2 and 3- Burn austere guidelines, radiation webinar, DMEP, AHLS, monthly RDHRE sponsored webinars.
Continue offering a variety of educational venues to support and train community member as well as HCW/specialty service response.
Engage in pediatric and burn preparedness planning. Participate in an upcoming full-scale exercise to test the flexibility of the model.
This specific enabler is a coordinated system of trainings offered to healthcare professionals and laypersons in the community to build capacity and resiliency, supported by a robust curriculum of exercise demonstration.
—First Aid for Severe Trauma (FAST)