Radiological Team

The Radiological Specialty Team aims to improve preparedness and response to radiological incidents across Region VII by providing educational resources, training, patient management support, and access to both national and Region VII-specific resources available to assist in the response to a radiological incident. The Radiological Specialty Team can support the management of radiological and nuclear emergencies when the resource requirements or technical radiation aspects surpass the capabilities of response personnel, especially in the areas of healthcare and public health response.

About the Radiological Team


Angela Leek, PHD, CHP

Frank Rutar, MS, CHP, CHMM
  • Facilitate timely decisions regarding radiation incidents, including:

    •patient management

    •dose calculation

    •patient transport

    •hazard mitigation

    •radiological/nuclear terrorism response

    •other critical radiation-related issues

    Assist with subject matter expertise on disposal and storage of radiological materials

    Collaborate with Region 7 healthcare coalitions on development of radiation response annexes and planning

    Coordinate access to regional radiological resources, education, and training

    Provide custom radiological incident response training to regional partners

    Deployable to a radiological incident to support in patient and event management, advise on technical aspects of radiological incidents, and provide just-in time training


    •Remote support through virtual connections/telehealth technology

  • Coordination with medical and emergency response personnel across FEMA Region VII regarding the use of Radiological Specialty Response Teams to assist state and federal response agencies in a radiological incident.

    Support to Healthcare Coalitions (HCCs) in the development of the Radiation Annex to their HCC Response Plans, including the development of a risk assessment tool and annex template.

    Coordination across FEMA Region VII to identify and catalog radiation protection and response assets available within Region VII.

    Provide training webinars on radiological response and the specific aspects of healthcare and patient management during these incidents.


    Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Radiological Health

    (402) 471-2168 (M-F 8AM to 5 PM)

    After hours - Nebraska State Patrol

    (402) 479-4921

    Ask to speak to the NEMA (Nebraska Emergency Management Agency) Duty Officer


    Iowa Department of Health and Human Services, Radiation Emergency Response

    (515) 725-4160 (24/7)

    Alternate contact - Iowa State Patrol

    (515) 323-4360


    Kansas Division of Emergency Management

    (785) 291-3333 (24/7)

    Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Radiation Control Program will be notified


    Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Office of Emergency Coordination

    (800) 392-0272 (24/7)

    R7DHRE Radiation Specialty Team Assets

    UNMC Radiation Health Center at 1-402-559-5555

  • CLICK HERE to see our Radiological Resources & Training page.