Putting the HVA into Action

The Hazard Vulnerability Analysis (HVA) is a systematic approach to identifying hazards or risks that are most likely to have an impact on the demand for health care services or the health care delivery system’s ability to provide these services. This assessment is regularly conducted by hospitals, health care coalitions, and public health entities, and helps provide a roadmap for where prevention efforts can be focused.

One such example of these focused efforts can be seen in Iowa, where many of the service areas and health care coalitions had previously identified school safety as a priority via their HVAs. By utilizing this information from their HVAs, the Bureau of Emergency Preparedness and Response in Iowa’s Department of Health and Human Services decided that placing STOP THE BLEED ® kits into Iowa schools was imperative for a better outcome in the event of an incident.

By utilizing funding from their Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) program, IA HHS already placed over 1,800 STOP THE BLEED ® kits in schools throughout the state. In addition to placing kits in schools, Iowa HHS is also working to build an accurate statewide registry of STOP THE BLEED ® instructors.

While the initiative only began in June of 2023, the eventual goal is to integrate STOP THE BLEED ® across all Iowa communities. Kit placement and the instructor registry will only grow as PHEP workplans are developed for years to come, all while the Bureau of Emergency Preparedness and Response works to drive home to importance of STOP THE BLEED® for if/when an incident occurs.

For anyone wanting more information on this program, they can reach out to Iowa’s Preparedness Program Manager, Natalie Webster at 515-201-8733. To find out more about STOP THE BLEED ® visit https://www.stopthebleed.org/.


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